Thursday 15 June 2023

Trying to understand LinkedIn.

Trying to understand LinkedIn. Is it Social Media for people who want to seem smart? 

Types of LinkedIn posts:

1. Direct Job Searchers (self-explanatory)
asking for cfbr 

2. Achievement Advertisers (Talk about some recent paper/patent/product launch/certification and so on. 

3. Freelancers/consultants/one person  business people/Senior people in specific fields - Talking about their field of expertise (mostly technical or financial)

Some of them try to get new customers by making sure their posts contain enough cerebral spice to become viral. 

4. CXOs - Giving gyaan and motivations 

5. Analyzers (Not sure what's their job role) - They analyze various kinds of technical advancements/ businesses/government policies from all across the world. Try to write posts which reminds one of Malcom Gladwell, as if they have found some hidden connection which no one else has thought of earlier. 

6. People treating LinkedIn as a Customer Care and tagging large companies. If post becomes viral, it will surely get reply and quick resolution. 

7. Spam - HR people talking about how ideal workplaces should be 

8. Spam 2.0 - Totally random (yet viral) videos or jokes

In general, purpose of any social media is for people to feel vanity + connection with others.  

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