Monday 17 March 2008

Past Teen

[A page out of my diary ...Written on 12th March]
Today is my 20th birthday. Oh, My God! I'm already out of my teens.
My teenage gone. Whoosh!
It's really a weird feeling that you get when 1/5th of your life is over .So much time spent on the earth.
So I got into a senti mood and pondered over what I have gained in all these years.(Am I sounding like a septuagenarian?)
When I was 8-9 years old I used to think I would do this and I would do that once I become tall and big like the people around me. I used to dream about all the GREAT things I'm going to do and how all the mortals will respect me and will talk about me all the time. As days, months, years passed I never thought very seriously about How (the hell) am I going to achieve my dreams, but I was (and fortunately, am still) sure that I will get there someway or the other.
Childhood is very pleasant. You don't have to pay attention to the realities (did someone say harsh?). You try to please your elders and earn their praise. But as you grow old and spread out your wings (cliché no. <1>) you start thinking about and working with the things you love to do. These are the things which are not forced on you by the others, these are some of your own favourite things. (This is getting too general; I must stick to the point.)
This (passing teen) is a kind of warning signal for me I suppose. I'm feeling weight of responsibilities on my shoulders (cliché no.<2>). What is it that I'm in pursuit of? It truly is the time to think about this, and what better time can it be than today?
When you look towards your future how does it feel? Do you get scared? Do you feel the adventures ahead? Are you ready to grab them? Are you curious about your future or you don't care about it? (This is what I ask myself.)
I have some idols. Feynman and P.L Deshpande are two of them. I am wondering..What these great people were like when they were of my age? What personality did they have at that time? How did they deal with the life? Were they always confidant about their future..or what I mean to say is.. HOW DID THEY DO WHAT THEY DID? Were they some dedicated normal persons or were they gifted?
I do not know answer to this question but I do hope that it is the former.

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